Reversing the Spell of the False Light Sexual Deception
/Art by Willow Arlenea
Reversing the Spell of the False Light Sexual Deception
By Shannon Port
The human race has been living under the spell of the false light of the desire force, also known as the hypnotic force, for thousands of years. This fallen consciousness is known through the lens of the negative ego perception and it strongly desires the very things that cause humanity to be in bondage. To desperately desire something that robs one of every divine gift of their true nature is insane and yet this is the paradigm that most human beings currently subscribe to.
Collectively, human beings provide the emotional fuel of the desire force that is needed by the darker forces of this world and beyond to keep the Spirit veiled completely from human consciousness. In other words, human beings are a profound energy source for a negative agenda that keeps them hypnotized and addicted to material things and reactionary feelings. When a human being is unaware of his or her infinite Spirit, he or she makes choices that are based on a lack of understanding of truth, usually to satisfy a desire of the sensual self also known as the animal soul.
There is nothing evil about the animal soul. It is part of the instinctual balance of Nature and it is meant to serve a purpose in the long term alchemy of the human soul. However, when the animal soul is given priority over the Spirit, as it is in the 3rd dimensional consciousness, we get a race of human beings plagued with confusion and aggression, that feeds off the life force of one another to satisfy sensual appetites and gain a false and counterfeit power over others. This is not in the divine plan for the sacred sons and daughters of God/Goddess. This is a manipulation of energy to take us away from our power. All things are allowed to take place with our consent in a free will universe; but we have given our consent while in a hypnotic state, unaware of the deception that runs this show. We were created to reflect the wisdom and power of our divine Source with perfect clarity, and to spread the Creative Principle throughout the Universe ~ which is nothing more than our own sacred body.
At this time there is an unprecedented unveiling of what has been hidden from plain view for thousands of year. As a prerequisite for humans to make sense of what they are going to be shown, the human brain and heart is being spiritually rewired so to speak to be able to comprehend the deception of the dark forces that may seem completely absurd and even preposterous and unfathomable. These dark forces work against the intuition of the soul and spirit. We are going to be shown how the manipulative force took over our sovereign rights as Soul-Spirits and led us to believe that we were powerless; chained to this reality through the five senses and cut off from higher perception.
Authentic Connection to our Spirit
In our world we often mistake lower grade sensual sensations and adrenaline rushes as a connection to Spirit. We are addicted to these things because they create a false sense of being alive and feeling connected to a higher reality. The difference between the euphoric feelings experienced through the lower senses and the experience of union with Spirit, is that the lower sensations create an addictive personality that stops seeking the truth based on an erroneous belief in form as the only reality. Union with our Spirit connects us with the tantric bliss of our Heart center and allows us to travel the dimensional realities of our God-Self, knowing that there is no competition and no lack whatsoever in God's Kingdom. We are the Kingdom of God/Goddess and we are free to explore as we please when we align with the natural laws of creation. When the Spirit is activated in the mind and heart, the five senses become a portal in service to a higher perception of Reality. We become the embodiment of wisdom and true power.
In the natural laws, we are free to explore and experience All That Is through the multitude of sensory channels that exist in all of our bodies, both physical and non-physical. We are free to do so when we respect the sacred sovereignty of all creatures allowing ourselves to interact where there is resonance, respect and free will. This opens up the realms of limitless possibilities for creating and expanding our heart and mind into the Cosmos.
The Truth Will Be Known
As the veil starts to really lift and show us what has been hidden from the collective consciousness, we are going to see just how distorted the sexual force has become on earth within the collective psyche of human beings. Human beings have mated with the fallen consciousness and from this union produced an evil-intentioned (moving away from Life) offspring that has infected our human sexuality with addiction, aggression and victimization. In this fallen state it is virtually impossible for the Sacred Masculine and the Sacred Feminine principles to work together in harmony.
We are One Soul and so we all must awaken to the mistakes that were made in the name of the desire force and the hypnotic false light. Until this delusional force is found out, it will continue to hide in the shadows and eat away at the soul energy that is meant to be used for awakening the Spirit in the body. This distorted sexual energy preys upon and feeds off the sexually innocent (children) as well as those who become addicted and violent with sexual energy. As this epidemic is brought into the light to be healed, we will begin to understand how the sexual force in its higher expression is connected to the Goddess, and that when it is misused and turned away from Love and Wisdom as it has been, it is the very force that keeps us at war with each other on earth.
The Power of Forgiveness
As these things come into the light, more and more human beings will shift and begin to wake up, not because of fear but through the power of Forgiveness. When we choose to see the mistakes that we have made, we will see how they were just that - mistakes. Many people will start to understand that our desire force is really a power for knowing our Higher Self, and in that knowledge who would choose anything but that - to know real Freedom.
We have to see things clearly for the veil of ignorance to lift and so these things are meant to be brought into our awareness at this time. We are not meant to fear them; we are meant to see them, understand them, and shift them within our own consciousness. All of us hold a seed of this distortion somewhere in our DNA and all of us can heal for the planet and the human race by tending to our own inner garden. That is where our real power lies - within. The dark forces would love to see us go into fear and panic over the horrendous things we see, but we must not; we must use our emotions to power the shift. This means to honor the rage and fear and sadness and then use the power of these emotions to heal within; allow the feelings to surface, for many of us have been victims of this fallen consciousness and will need to heal.
This is a time of positive discovery and change; for to know the truth will set us free. We are meant to love one another with all the respect and wisdom we have. We are meant to enjoy each other and play together in the understanding that we are sacred. Regardless of our sexual orientation, we are all capable of healing the dance between the collective masculine and feminine with our consciousness and Love. These sacred principles are in all beings and they manifest in all relationships. Where two or more are gathered, the Spirit enters when It is called. These two can be gathered in the individual as well. The relationship between the masculine and feminine exists within every human soul and in this understanding relationships with another human being become golden!
Note from Shannon:
I was surprised at the serious tone of the message I received in the Akashic Records last night. It is always my intention to connect with the positive but I was shown that this is a time of serious unveiling and that the tone will indeed be serious for all of us and yet if we are prepared to see what has taken place we will be able to stay in our hearts and make the necessary shifts. We are ready to know the truth and be set free!
With Love and Respect,
Shannon Port
© Shannon Port 2015, All Rights Reserved, Taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, March 2015.