Teacher of The Feminine Mysteries through the mantle of The New Venusian Impulse as a Cosmic Feminine Stream to activate and initiate the planetary Heart and Soul in the human race for the coming Goddess Epoch.
Art of the Feminine is a Cosmic Feminine Stream that has been received by Shannon Port through the mantle of The Venusian Mysteries and Divine Feminine Initiation over a lifetime of deep immersion in the Divine Feminine Wisdom current of the Goddess.
Shannon is the holder of a Sacred Feminine Lineage that is a direct descendent of the Feminine Essenes and the Mystical Knowledge of the Feminine Christ Force. She has been teaching and sharing The Venusian Mysteries of Divine Womanhood for over 20 years as a teacher of The Primordial Feminine Goddess Mysteries, that have been received for these times of great transformation and awakening on Earth. Her spiritual work specializes in Goddess Fertility, Healing Love Relationships, The Feminine Sexual Force, Divine Motherhood, Art and Holy Feminine Goddess Rituals. This is the work of the solarization of the Venusian Force and the Holy Blood of The Magdalene Magi, who carry the Cosmic Law of Love through the awakened Solar Feminine Principle. It is the reclamation, regeneration and revival of The Lost Word of the Virgin Sophia and Her Divine Feminine Serpent Force.
Shannon’s work and the body of Sacred Feminine Teachings held in Light Body Yoga, have been received directly from the Living Magdalene Lineage on the etheric levels of consciousness. She became prolific in the art of receiving and channeling the Sacred Feminine Wisdom through her training as an Artist and Mystic of the Venusian Force.
As a young girl, growing up Catholic, Shannon was classically trained during her childhood by the Jesuit priests and German Dominican nuns in the Apostolic Tradition of The Christ Mysteries. She would come to understand and remember the esoteric wisdom of the Early Christians, Gnostics and Pagans, as the holders of The Christos Mysteries of the death and regeneration of the soul. Later, she would be educated from both the inner and outer streams of the Esoteric Kabbalah, a mystical training that opened her to the depths of the merging of the Goddess with the world of matter through fertility and the creative imagination. Shannon entered into the Venusian current through her life-long training in the Venusian Arts in Theatre, Dance and Music. She studied at the university and professional levels, in Seattle, WA, at UW School of Drama, in both the BA and MFA programs in Suzuki actor training, and in New York City at William Esper Studio and The American Shakespeare Center, to develop the power of her sound current and creative expression, performing live on countless stages in NYC. While living in Los Angeles, Shannon was part of the New Theatre League Repertory, run by actor/director Walter Raney.
Stage Performance
Shannon has acted on stages in Seattle, Los Angeles and New York City, in the classical plays of William Shakespeare, Anton Chekhov, Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, Tennessee Williams and the Greek Tragedies (Sophocles), in powerful female roles such as: Lady Macbeth in MACBETH, Tamora in TITUS ANDRONICUS, Olivia in TWELFTH NIGHT, Yelena in UNCLE VANYA, Nora in A DOLL’S HOUSE, Varya in THE CHERRY ORCHARD, Christine in MISS JULIE, Blanche DuBois in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE and Electra in ELECTRA. Her work on stage and her professional training in the Performing Arts has proven to influence her Divine Feminine spiritual work in ways that she could have never imagined. She also traveled with a dance company out of Washington State, while in high school and trained for up to 5 hours per day during the summers at Spokane Ballet Studio. Looking back, she can see that each and every class taken and role played on stage and in workshops, influenced her aura and activated The Feminine Mysteries in her heart and soul.
Kabbalah, Alchemy and The Cosmic Goddess Stream
It was during these vital years that Shannon was introduced to the mystical tradition and secret doctrine of Kabbalah to study deeply the alchemical arts and mysteries of the planetary bodies and their role in the development of human consciousness. While living in New York, Shannon studied with spiritual teachers from India in the Tantric and Yogic Arts, to become a well-known yoga teacher in New York City. She was initiated into a sacred chanting tradition in 2006 in NYC, to activate the power of the Living Word in her soul. This is a mantric practice that she works with to this day, and teaches in her trainings. During the most crucial years of her journey, Shannon worked daily in the Akashic Records to access a very powerful level of healing. This training lasted from 2007-2017 and truly opened her to the Feminine Oracle that speaks through the Art of the Feminine platform.
Shannon’s work at Art of the Feminine has been profoundly influenced by The Solar Feminine Mysteries of Venus and the Venusian impact on the collective human heart through The Arts, Archetypes and Goddess Rituals. She has been a pioneer teaching an original synthesis of this Divine Feminine work for the past two decades, working with women and men from around the world and bringing her knowledge to humanity through the Art of the Feminine Podcast and Light Body Yoga training platforms.
Shannon’s body of work is aligned with our planet as the full embodiment of The Goddess and The Magdalene Magi Stream for the coming Goddess Epoch and Age of Venus, also known as The Age of Sophianic Consciousness.
Divine Feminine Awakening
Spiritual Awakening is only the first step. It is the beginning of a much longer journey through the Goddess Sacraments, that bear the fruit of The Seven Seals of Magdalene. We receive a Shaktipat and discover the spiritual life-force that exists, and then the alchemical process begins, and we are presented with the levels of Goddess Initiation that activate the full spectrum and power of the Soul and Spirit. This is the genuine spiritual work that has been revealed in the Art of the Feminine and Light Body Woman Curriculums, through a Living Initiate of the Goddess.
As we progress on our spiritual journey, we slowly become a candidate for genuine Initiation with the Spiritual Feminine Hierarchies, that govern the unfoldment of The Inner Mysteries of Divine Love on Earth and in our Cosmos. Shannon was born to this earth through the Venusian Stream and her mission is the full activation of the living current of the Divine Feminine Venusian Force.
Over the past two decades, Shannon has created the Art of the Feminine Platform to hold the highest knowledge of the Divine Feminine Masters for our planet and for the collective woman and the human race. Through her lectures, videos and trainings, this information is shared in the appropriate way for the soul to dive deeper into The Feminine Mysteries.
Shannon’s Spiritual Work on Earth
Shannon Port is an international Writer, Teacher, and Public Lecturer. Both mystic and scholar of the Divine Feminine Wisdom, Shannon's in depth work in Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Astrology, the Divine Feminine Archetypes and Light Body Yoga™ spans two decades. Her unique body of Divine Feminine Wisdom has been birthed over many years of initiation in her own life as a living Goddess Ritual, and is deeply focused on healing the relationship between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine on the Earth and within every human soul.
This sacred knowledge is the synthesis of the Feminine and Masculine internal streams of wisdom. Shannon is the creator and founder of the Art of the Feminine Platform and Facebook page as well as the vast body of sacred knowledge of Light Body Yoga™. She is host of the popular iTunes podcast, Art of the Feminine Weekly Calls with Shannon Port (2012), now held in The Divine Feminine Wisdom School.
She continues to host live streams and public lectures on her Youtube channel, where she shares the Divine Feminine Wisdom Teachings as taught in her courses, with thousands of men and women around the world every week.
The Venusian Mysteries
The topics of the Art of the Feminine Podcast include: The Divine Feminine Archetypes, The Reconciliation of the Masculine and Feminine, The Inner Mysteries of the Goddess, The Venus Mysteries, The New Human Sexual Paradigm, Light Body Tantra, Divine Feminine Astrology, The Art of Sacred Goddess Fertility and The Inner Marriage of Spirit and Matter.
Shannon received her first communication from what she calls the Heart of Sophia's Wisdom at a very young age. She has conscious memory of this event. At this time she became sensitive to the reality of our connectedness to the Cosmos through the collective heart of humanity. Shannon's life, since that time, has been a journey of countless initiations into the Mysteries of the Feminine through both the light and the dark portals. As a result of the depth of her own journey, she is able to help guide souls back to their Inner Teacher to heal and regenerate the connection between the soul personality and the Spirt to give birth to their Divine Human Potential.
New York City - Theatre, Dance and Mysticism
Shannon began her career as an actress and dancer in New York City's theatre scene. While acting on the off-off-Broadway stages of Manhattan in her twenties, Shannon continued to deepen in her lifelong studies of Mysticism and the Divine Feminine. During this time she experienced a profound transformation of consciousness that led her to the Ancient Wisdom of Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Alchemy and Tantra though many powerful channels. Soon after, an inner channel would open and become the fountain of her work. This led her to make a change in her career, taking her into the depths of Knowledge and direct experience of The Feminine Mysteries. This work is guided by the Feminine Spiritual Hierarchies of our planet and the Cosmos.
In 1999 she began to teach public classes on yoga and spirituality at many of the studios and spiritual centers in Manhattan. In 2003, Shannon founded her own original style of yoga, Light Body Yoga™, to include the Divine Feminine Wisdom that was pouring through her soul, and started speaking and teaching workshops on The Art and Science of the Body of Light and the reconciliation of the Feminine and Masculine principles, within the individual soul as well as in the collective human race.
Divine Feminine Wisdom and the Akashic Records
Today Shannon is living on the West Coast, and teaching in the Divine Feminine Wisdom School full time, while giving public lectures and doing videos on her YouTube channel. Shannon’s work centers around the WORD, and it’s power to heal and create the world around us. The courses and trainings offered at Art of the Feminine are a profound platform of The Feminine Mysteries and The Solarization of the Venusian Principle.
Shannon is prolific visionary in the Akashic Records and is the author of the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter; a monthly Akashic Records reading for the planet and humanity. She also shares her Feminine Energy updates on The Goddess Report on her YouTube Channel.
Currently, Shannon’s is giving a year-long Divine Feminine Lecture Series on The Esoteric Feminine Codes on YouTube!