The Rebirth of Sophia's Heart in Humanity
/Art by Willow Arlenea
The Rebirth of Sophia's Heart in Humanity
By Shannon Port
When the human soul fell from the consciousness of the Heart of Sophia, the true Garden of Eden, we lost conscious communion with our Divine Spirit and we mated with the lower forces that were outside of the Wisdom of Sophia's Heart. In our fall, we created the counterfeit spirit of the Ego and we gave up our Powers of Light and Divine Love for the lower sensual appetites of the inverted desire force. These appetites awakened a new projection within the mirror of the soul and the False Light was born. This was the beginning of the reversal of the Goddess's Sacred Image and her powers of creation.
Through the reversed Image of the Goddess and Her womb, a reality of limitation and suffering was birthed and we became child refugees in the Land of the Lost. In this world of False Light which we now inhabit, we are fooled by the seductive images that we see, believing that they hold the return path that we are destined to seek. We look for what was lost in the empty illusions of form, trying to satisfy an insatiable desire to know our lost power through union with the illusion. We look for our power where it is not, and we suffer endlessly in the inferno of the southward spiral that is controlled by the Fallen Ones, who desire to syphon the light of our soul to uphold their underworld where fear and greed are the rulers.
Sophia's Wisdom
The wisdom of this underworld is not the true wisdom; it is the reversal of the Tree of Knowledge and it has been given to us to keep us out of the knowledge of the Heart, serving a self-renewing sentence as an energy source for the reversal paradigm. Because of our sensual attachments we are not able to see the illusion for what it is. We are on a continuous cycle of death and birth in a density that operates through the distorted vision of the Ego's counterfeit spirit. When we continue to see the world through this vision, we perpetuate the fall and hold the reversal paradigm in place through the manipulated projection of our inner wounded child. This inner child longs to be reunited with the Heart of its Mother, where the true Spring of Life in its limitless Fountain of Knowledge and Divine Love, are infinitely connected to the Cosmic Heart of Creation.
Sophia's Wisdom is the true Path of Return to the union with our Spirit. Her Wisdom is held in the tabernacle of the Heart of the Human Soul, holding the codes of our Divine Blueprint. Her Wisdom is the Silent Sound, the Music of the Inner World that activates the Body of Light, the spiritual vehicle for the awakened Soul-Spirit. It is Her Wisdom that is calling forth the rebirth of the Heart of the Soul of the World on Earth at this time.
The Goddess has given us Her own Heart, Her limitless power of creation, Her Womb of Life, and House of Spirit, to reunite with the Original Impulse of Life in each one of us and in the collective Human Race. In every human soul and in the Earth, She dwells, waiting for our light conception to take place that we may be reborn into the Garden of Life. The rebirth of the human heart restores our original Innocence, and gives birth to the regenerated Inner Child of the Goddess. The Inner Child is our heart reborn in the Image of the Divine Sophia, the first emanation of the Light of the Source; the risen image of Wisdom and Truth.
The Birth of the Vision of Sophia
As we enter into a new cycle on Earth we are awakening the Vision of the Heart and coming into balance through the Law of Justice. Justice is the equilibriating force of Divine Love which always seeks to call forth the harmonious sound frequencies of creation.
In the Sacred Tarot, Justice, Key 11, is the heart of the archetypal language of the soul in its descent into Matter and ascent into Cosmic Consciousness. Without balance, harmony and equilibrium, the marriage of Spirit and Matter could never take place. Justice is the Law of the Great Work and it is the key to the balancing of opposite forces. Justice is being called forth to give birth to Sophia's Heart in Humanity at this time through the heavenly alignments.
Total Lunar Eclipse April 2015: Libra, Justice, Equilibrium
With the Full Solar Eclipse of March 20th, 2015, on Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, we had the very significant eclipse at the last degree of Pisces, also the last degree of the Zodiac. At this degree we were closing out the cycle of the Piscean shadow and deception and the rule of the animal soul (represented by Key 18, The Moon) without the balancing counterpart of the divine nature of man. With the Full Solar Eclipse and the Super New Moon falling at 29 degrees Pisces, we said good bye to the past paradigm of being ruled by the lower nature and what is hidden and called forth the new cycle of the marriage of the instinctual and intuitive parts of the soul.
As we prepare for the Total Lunar Eclipse and the Full Blood Moon in Libra on April 4th, 2015, we are calling forth the Law of Justice (Libra, Key 11) to return us to the portal of equilibrium which will be the Rebirth of the Heart of Humanity. This Total Lunar Eclipse is in a powerful position opposite Uranus in Aries (The Emperor, Key 4) and squaring Pluto in Capricorn (The Devil, Key 15). We have the Underworld and the Power of Awakening coming to the event, both in signs related to the Patriarchal paradigm, to activate the Human Race to hold the energies of the Heart once again.
This sacred pocket of time, begins the waxing season of Life at the Spring Equinox in the North, and heralds the Rebirth of Sophia's Heart in Humanity right at Easter and brings with it a new dispensation of Wisdom and Love to help us in all things that are positive to the healing of our World and our human family. We are being given the Keys to the Mysteries of Divine Love and asked to hold them in our awareness and anchor them into our lives through our love and compassion with each other and the Earth. All human souls who wish to partake of this rebirth are being called to do so! The Luminous Ones celebrate our union with the Divine Spirit and welcome us back into the Garden of Life.
May we all know the true Peace and Joy of this sacred time on Earth and fill our lives with our Heart's Blessings and Creativity.
With Love & Blessings,
Shannon Port
© Shannon Port 2015, All Rights Reserved, Taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, April 2015