Awakening the Spiritual Body of Love
/Art by Rassouli
Awakening the Spiritual Body of Love
By Shannon Port
As we approach the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the Earth is preparing to receive the tidal wave of Divine Love to begin the process of connecting the spiritual body of humanity with its collective physical body on earth. The New Moon on June 16th, brings in the energy of the sign Gemini, also known as The Lovers in the Sacred Tarot. This Divine Archetype is being activated to prepare us for the union of the soul and the spirit of the Divine Human Blueprint. The Lovers represents the merging of subconsciousness with the light of the superconsciousness of Spirit. Every individual will be instructed inwardly by their own soul and Higher Self, on how to begin the process at the level that is aligned to their personal spiritual growth and self-healing.
It is unknown by most human beings that we exist not only in the physical, but in the spiritual realms as well. Every human being has a counter part in the higher astral world. Whether or not this form has the capability to move in the Higher Worlds depends upon the choices that the individual soul makes in the healing and awakening process throughout the incarnations in human physical life. The more consciousness that we hold, the more our spiritual body will awaken and gain the power to move on the Inner Plane and see with the Astral Light. When we have formed our spiritual body we are then ready to approach the threshold of Initiation and meet with the Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light to receive the instruction that will help us to lift the iron bar of the sensual life far enough to bathe in the Light of the Inner Sun.
Materialism and the Desire of Sensation
The greatest hold back for most of humanity at this time is the addiction to sensual pleasure and the material life. Through the illusion of matter, we have come to lose our ability to communicate with our spiritual body and see with our spiritual sight. Many human souls are living in the lower astral consciousness and incapable of using their spiritual bodies at all. This draws the soul back to the material world over and over in hopes of satisfying further the appetites of the sensual body of the human being and personality. The soul then believes that the material world is all that exists and focuses its desire force completely on fulfilling appetites that can never be satiated and can only cause pain and a further plunge into materialism.
The Dark forces that would like to keep us enslaved in the lower reality that is cut off from Spirit are working overtime to create a paradigm of constant addiction to sensual pleasure and materialism. This happens when we use our power to focus on things that we consume or on things that take us away from our spiritual perception of ourself, humanity and the world. They have empowered the shadow of Venus (666 and the power of matter) and used it to keep us focused on what satisfies our lower desire nature. We are here to interface with the material world as a means to awaken our higher perception of Beauty and our spiritual gifts of hearing, seeing and feeling from the Inner Light of the Spiritual Sun.
The Divine Sacred Fire of Love
The tidal wave of Love that is pouring forth to the Earth on the Summer Solstice is coming from the Heart of our Divine Mother and is the Supernal Light of the Goddess. This light is the Sacred Fire of purification and Life that will release the binding and heavy, lower nature from the souls who have chosen to live in Heart Consciousness. There will be a sense of renewed connection to the Source energy of creation and an understanding of our relationship to the Cosmos.
The Light that is coming to Earth can only be fully received as we have prepared our physical, mental and emotional bodies to hold it. Every human being has a Body of Pain that holds the trauma and lower emotions of the many incarnations in physical life. Until we have become conscious of ourself and our limiting patterns, they own us and keep us from knowing the Fullness of our Divine Self. Our emotions have the power to take us deeper into the dark and debilitate our spiritual body - or they can elevate us to the perception of the full spectrum of Creation. As we wake up, we begin to consciously use the power of our emotions to join Heaven and Earth in Sacred Union in our Heart.
The Chalice of the Seven Portals
The Chalice, also known as the Chariot Archetype of the sign Cancer, will be activated as we experience the wave of Light that is coming on the Summer Solstice of 2015. Summer Solstice takes place on the first day that the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and represents the reflective power the Divine Mother and Divine Soul. This is truly a time of receiving higher communication and Wisdom from the Womb of Creation; the Heart of our Divine Mother.
The opportunity to begin building the Spiritual Body of Love is greater than it has ever been for the collective Human Race. When we are aware of the Seven Portals within our Being, we can use them to check in with our consciousness and see what needs to be addressed and healed and what needs to be brought into balance.
We have three portals that represent the lower sensual nature of humankind; we have a fourth portal in the heart that accesses the the alchemical womb of our spiritual nature, and we have three portals that represent the divine nature of the human soul. These portals are known as the seven chakras and they exist for the most part in our spiritual body.
When we bring our lower nature (represented by our sensual appetites) into harmony and balance with our higher nature (represented by our powers of connecting with the divine), they are joined in sacred union in the heart and our Body of Love begins to vivify on Earth. The Body of Love gives us the capacity to know Heaven and Earth at once and to see the Unity of our Human Family and Nature.
The Divine Soul
The time of Awakening our Spiritual Body of Love has arrived. It will be a process for the Earth and humanity to temper the ways of materialism and sensual desires and balance them with the ability to know the Divine Soul. The pain and suffering that we have endured has been a push to find a way out of the bondage of this world. We have seen and experienced things that have shaken us to the very core and asked us to know that there is much more to see and hear than what the human senses are capable of. We are called to join our Human Soul with our Divine Nature and to return to the understanding of Wisdom and Love. In doing so, the Kingdom, the Power & the Glory are restored to us and we can know what it really means to create from the Eternal & Infinite Source of Life.
In the Light of Divine Love,
Shannon Port
© Shannon Port 2015, All Rights Reserved, This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, June 2015