The Age of Revelation
/Art by Gilbert Williams
The Age of Revelation
By Shannon Port
We are on the cusp of a new age for the human journey. Most of us can feel it. It seems as if things are getting worse for everyone, but in reality, the veil is becoming very thin and we are being shown the truth of everything. The manipulation of consciousness that has been there all along, is now coming into clear view. We cannot separate ourselves from this darker reality because it is a projection of our own darkness as well as our light. We have strengthened the darkness in the world by cutting ourselves off from the inner knowledge of the Mysteries of the Heart.
In this age, the true signature of a person or thing will be revealed to us, instantaneously. As the veil thins and eventually dissolves, the level of love in all things will be known through our direct experience. The lack of love in a person or thing will read as some form of darkness or discord. There will be no judgment, because we all have darkness; only a recognition of the level of love present at a given time. This will help us to discern our actions and words and navigate life from our inner knowing. There is a spectrum of both light and dark; but only one spectrum of Truth. The spectrum of Truth shows the level of understanding of unity; the true consciousness of a person or thing; and this is really the level of heart energy (Goddess energy) that is embodied in form. In this Age of Revelation, all will be seen for who and what they really are on the inside. The manipulation tactics of the past are losing power fast. Soon, we will not be able to hide the truth of what is in our heart.
The Inverted Paradigm
For thousands of years we have been living in an inverted paradigm. The inverted paradigm is represented by the inverted pentagram. This symbol stands for the five senses ruling over the spirit which means that the outer world dominates our experience, through both the intellect and the heart. The exoteric has been the main source of knowledge for humanity and the esoteric has been lost to the collective human experience. In truth, we are meant to have equal access to the inner and outer realms of meaning and understanding of reality; a balanced relationship with the masculine and feminine. The pentagram with the point facing north or upwards, is the symbol of the spirit of the awakened human being. It is the sign of spirit governing over matter and the senses and directing the power of the heart for the ascension of life.
Some of the esoteric knowledge has been preserved in the various mystery schools on the planet during the Cycle of Darkness. Unfortunately, these schools have often times been infiltrated by the darker consciousness and have ended up being used as a vehicle for the ego and a dark agenda to control others. We see this coming to light now as the dark factions of Illuminati are being exposed to mainstream consciousness. For some it is hard to believe that groups of individuals have intentionally set out to misuse the teachings of inner power to control the masses. This has only been possible because of the lack of connection to the heart by the majority of humanity. Over the ages, our collective heart connection has weakened, as is quite visible in the world today.
The control of the mind and feeling force happens through the five senses. Five is the number of the Fall in consciousness of human beings. It is also the number of liberation and the inner teacher or spirit. Venus traces a pentagram in the sky during her eight year transit. Venus represents both the higher and the lower sides of sensuality. Through our senses we can be manipulated to direct our energy towards the outer world, where it is harnessed and used to create the veil of ignorance. We unconsciously reach for what tastes good and what satisfies our ego and our sexual desires. All of this strengthens the collective ego as it weakens the subtle energy of the inner wisdom and intuitive messages that are sent to us via impulses from our subconscious mind. We lose connection with the Goddess and the Divine Feminine presence within, and now find ourselves being used for our creative power without knowing it. Through the unconscious sensual desires, addictions are created which are linked to the inner body of pain in the subconscious mind. These addictions keep us locked into a relationship with suffering and disempowerment. It is here that we become victims and can be used by the forces detached from love. The outer world is meant to be in a state of sacred union with our inner world. Our senses are portals to the divine when we know how to align them with the heart.
As human beings, we contain huge amounts of power within our personality vehicles. We are centers of expression for the Divine Will. This power has been used by the Dark to create a prison for the human race. As dark as this sounds, we have cut ourselves off from our true nature (Goddess) and spirit. By handing over our ability to choose the light, we have been socially engineered to choose the shallow illusory sensual experience over the depth of Wisdom that abides in the greatest of all treasures - the human heart. Human beings have the ability to love profoundly and connect to infinite portals of creative wisdom. They must first learn to direct their sensual desires and align them with spirit. Discerning the energetic signature of a person, place or thing, is essential to direct our focus of energy for the awakening of our soul power. When the senses are in service of the sprit, the heart becomes a portal of unlimited creative potential on Earth.
The Cult of Celebrity
Human beings were created to be in fluent contact with Source energy. The link to Source is to be found within every human heart. In the inverted reality, we place all value on what can be attained in the outer world; whether it be in material things and sexual validation or personal recognition and achievements (fame). We are meant to bring our spirit forward into the world and to be seen, but not by sacrificing our inner connection to our higher self. The fame of celebrity we see today is for the most part cut off from true wisdom. It is a form of heavy, intoxicating seduction which triggers an extreme level of sensory manipulation in the collective - making human beings worship celebrities and give up their own ability to create brilliance. It creates a kind of hypnotic trance in the collective consciousness. In this Age of Revelation, much of the programming will be revealed. Many will be shocked to learn of the levels of manipulation that are used in the music industry and in Hollywood. Both industries can and will be used more consistently, as vehicles of the positive power of love as humanity wakes up. These levels of manipulation are also found in sports and politics and many other arenas of personal ego worship. It's not that all athletes, celebrities and musicians are dark; but the aura of the industry imprints the message that we receive in a very deceptive and deliberate, subconscious way.
We are conditioned by celebrity worship to buy more material goods and to emulate the behavior of programmed individuals. From a higher perspective this creates a deep level of sadness and depression in human beings. A soul who is not expressing the glory of its own light is in bondage. New celebrities appear on the scene daily, with more youth, sexual market value, money, beauty, and fame, than one could ever imagine having in one's own life. This confuses the lethargic soul and lures it into the insatiable desire to sacrifice what is real for what is transitory and shallow. We are programmed to give up love for lust. All of this happens in a programming fashion that targets the subconscious mind and plants seeds of low self worth and powerlessness.
There is nothing wrong with sexual energy, beauty, youth, prosperity and talent. The soul is meant to manifest all of these things. That is one of the reasons we are so easily drawn to celebrity. However, by focusing attention on a chosen few that are engineered by an image making machine, we actually degenerate in our abilities to direct our own creative force. Each one of us has a special gift that is meant to be realized and recognized. For some, there may be a clearing of the darkness that needs to happen first to access real power. There is a process required to transmute some of the negative energy we have taken on. This process cannot happen when the soul is distracted and drawn to giving its energy and focus away to illusions of materialism.
As with all information, this needs to be processed with wisdom and love. There is also good in everything, because human beings are made from love. We are in the transition from bondage to liberation and these revelations are meant to empower us and open the portal to higher understanding.
The Hidden Knowledge of Ancient Civilizations and ET Races
At this time there is much coming to light about ancient civilizations as well as life from other planets and solar systems and its influence on our current world. Much more information will be coming forward in the months and years to come. We are only beginning to get started with the disclosure of this type of knowledge that has been hidden from the outer consciousness of humanity. As with all things in the outer reality, some of the beings are positive and some are negative. The story is an extension of what we already know to be true about human consciousness. All of our ancient scriptures have spoken of such things. It is another example of how we are only capable of seeing what we are able to discern with the heart.
It is important to understand that we have always known on the inner realms that there is much more to reality than we have previously accepted in the outer experience. This has been part of the control program and the illusion. There is no need to be shocked because the Universal Laws of the Spirit and Soul are the same as they were before the revelations. They will be put into a new context during this age.
These revelations may be intriguing and give us more to digest, however, they are still of the outer nature. The inner laws are the same as they have been revealed to us by all of the great teachers and avatars that have come to humanity. We have the teachings available to us to unlock the heart and liberate the Goddess energy in all of us. The new information will be inspiring to many, but will not by itself, liberate humanity. We are still required to do the same spiritual work to connect with our own source of inner wisdom through our higher self.
It will also be important not to fall into an "us against them" paradigm which is the same as war. Through the process of awakening and ascending, we are given the much needed information to understand our own projections and how they have helped to create the world we now find ourselves in. It is up to each one of us to do the inner work to transcend this paradigm of duality. We may need to take certain actions to balance life on Earth, but the state of our heart in taking all actions is the currency of power we carry. The Goddess gives true power to true Love.
Creating from the Heart - Sacred Union
There is no greater joy for the soul than to create reality from the heart. This is what the human being is designed to do. The gift of this journey is to recover the lost knowledge of the soul and spirit and their sacred dance of divine love. We are the creators of reality. We are the ones we have been waiting for. The life power has been planted in each and every one of us. It is our beliefs and our feelings that create the world in which we live. As we receive the revelations of this age, we will be guided by the inner wisdom to the Inner Mysteries of Divine Love. Within the soul is a dimension of Love, Wisdom and Power (The Sacred Trinity) waiting to be known by our consciousness. The Divine Mother awaits the return of each one of her children into the inner sanctum. We have taken our initiations in this cycle in the outer world, alchemized by the experiences of our lifetimes. We are ready to gain access to the true Powers of Creation.
The heart is the creative power of the Goddess. We lost this connection in the previous cycle. Our ability to create was coveted by the empty forms who lacked this power. When we got lost in the five senses, we handed over our power to be used for our own bondage. We built our own prison. There has been interference in our ability to connect to the heart, but in The Age of Revelation we are being shown the way to truth through unity.
It is our ability to love and our ability to perceive the depths of love in Nature and in other human beings that unlocks the infinite well of creative power. The Age of Revelation is the really The Age of Love. The Age of Aquarius is on the axis of Aquarius and Leo. Leo is the Heart, the Sun, and the Secret Power and Aquarius is the Goddess and her Revelation of brotherly and sisterly love (unity). We enter this age as powerful creators, not victims! We are here to see the truth and to project the higher Truth through our own sacred union with the Divine Light within us.
All of the revelations are part of the play of the soul. We are in an endless creative process and we are here to attain knowledge of human love and emotions. In this way, we have nothing to be depressed about and nothing to fear in this journey. We are doing exactly what we came to do. We are awakening our Divine Self in this glorious life.
In the Spirit of True Creative Power and Love,
Shannon Port
This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, May 2017.
Copyright © 2017 Shannon Port