The Virgins of Light
/Art: Goddess of Earth by Phungvulienphuong
The Virgins of Light
By Shannon Port
The Virgins of Light are an aspect of the Divine Feminine Consciousness on our planet and beyond. This consciousness works through both men and women. At this time we are preparing for major shifts in the world. Some of these shifts may prove to be difficult for the general population of the planet. There are forces of both the Light and the Dark that are active in the coming changes. At certain times during our evolutionary cycle we are destined to receive a light stream from the source of our physical world. This light pours forth from the Galactic Core, roughly 25,000 light-years away and makes its way into the earth's atmosphere through the solar plasma energy and the waves of fire-water, also known as the sunlight fluid that are penetrating the veil of illusion. This emanation from the core of our galaxy is the Wisdom of the Divine Mother, Pleroma, and her great central heart of creation. Together with the Sun, she is able to awaken the consciousness of humanity and raise our intelligence to meet the truth of who we are.
The Virgins of Light are the purified hearts that are capable of digesting this light and mirroring it into the world. The light is magnetized to purity, compassion, and a mind and heart that have been brought into equilibrium; a vessel that is capable of holding a harmonious temple of alchemy for the Ascension Process. Not all souls are yet prepared to receive the frequency of this light. It is the light of Grace and can be felt as turbulent and violent for the consciousness that is still holding great amounts of ego identification or lost in the illusion of materialism and unbalanced sensuality.
The goal of the light is not to harm anyone intentionally. It seeks those who hold a resonant field and heart so that it may be gradually received by the entire human race. It does however, intend to dissolve those energies that are not in alignment with the great Law of Life and Cosmic Sovereignty.
The Inner Invisible Order of the Goddess
On the Inner Plane of consciousness exists an Order of the Divine Feminine Mysteries who are actively assisting those souls who are taking their initiations in Love. These initiations are the deepening of the capacity to hold space for the entire planet. This Inner Order of Sophia's Wisdom is part of the Primordial Soul of humanity. It is kept in sacred inner space until the race as a whole is ready to embody the wisdom of the Feminine Force and her creative capabilities throughout the cosmos.
This order represents the purity of the High Priestess and the Mysteries of the Soul and Spirit. It holds the sacred book of the wisdom and alchemy of Christos Sophia.
As we are now in the sign of Virgo immediately following the Great American Eclipse, these energies are very active and present in the world. Virgo is the sign of the Virgin and her powers to digest and extract the Solar Light and give birth to the Divine Child of Humanity. The sunlight fluid is intensifying and as a result the world is changing before our eyes. Some of this is positive, but much of it is the desperate attempts of the old ways to keep a hold on the collective soul energy of human beings.
The ways of the Inner Order of Sophia's Wisdom are held in silence and they are not released into language in our world quite yet. The only way to access this wisdom is through the Temple of the Heart in deep stillness and meditation. Within the heart is a portal and Stargate that opens when one is ready to drop the ways of the denser matter that bind the human being to the animal nature of his or her soul. When the consciousness is refined to a certain degree the portal opens by the grace of the Divine Mother and we are given access to higher understanding of reality.
Many souls are being prepared to enter their Inner Temple through the shifts that are taking place in their lives. These shifts include waking up to the power of love and the importance of our relationships. Human beings are designed to mirror with each other and our relationships are highly alchemical in nature. Our relationships teach us about ourself in great ways. In these labs of Spirit we temper our ego and open to the depths of Divine Love. We learn to be humble and yet we learn to access our deepest power. We are tested over and over again to attain the polarity integration needed for our higher understanding. Another way we can be initiated is through isolation. Here we are forced to see ourself in the mirror of our own mind and feel the pain of the longing for our real Self and the sacred union with Spirit.
Mastering the Emotional Body
Some of the deeper initiations come through our discernment of the Dark. The world is filled with chaos and seduction of emotions at this time. The way in which we run our emotional energy is one of the greatest keys to our inner power and entrance into the Mysteries. The events that took place with the Sun in Leo, including the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, the Lion's Gate Portal and the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo, opened a major portal for us to heal our emotional body. For many, this meant unlocking all of the pent up emotions and letting them be seen. This is also happening in the collective field of consciousness. There are the obvious emotions and there are the more subtle emotions. The higher we go in our consciousness, the more we are asked to take responsibility for our subtle emotions. These are the ones used by the Dark. These are the houses of denial that keep us locked out of our Inner Temple. We hide behind feelings of envy, competition, self righteousness, passive aggressiveness and arrogance and fool ourselves about the consequences of these feelings. We need to feel them to heal them, but we cannot be fooled by them; they must be transmuted.
Spirit knows when we are ready to do this work and it is not easy. Those seemingly little emotions are very powerful and it takes a deep humility to go through the process which dissolves their stain. Many souls are in this process and very close to victory. It takes great dedication but there is always a whisper in the heart to those who are meant to walk with the Lion in peace and reverence.
Creating Inner Spaciousness
One of the greatest things our world and its inhabitants lacks right now is inner spaciousness. All things are governed by the fluid Law of Equilibrium. This means that there is always a dance between the polarities taking place and the greatest power and wisdom comes from the balancing of the poles. This balanced state creates the third principle and unlocks Trinity Consciousness. The third principle is the creative principle of the Divine Feminine. She is the birther and commander of all the elemental forces. In our world we see most of human consciousness holding only a fixation on the world of form. The five senses pull so greatly that our awareness is of the forms and shapes in the outer world and when we do enter the inner space we take our addictions and our obsessive and compulsive emotions with us. This prevents the true state of the inner dimension from revealing itself. It denies us from experiencing the divine human state of Sacred Union.
We are asked at this time to discern the outer chaos and really be conscious of how we spend our time and our precious attention. Attention is a real force and it flows through us and activates whatever we focus on. If we are called to examine the Dark for our work, that is fine as long as we hold the presence of the inner dimension in our focus. That way we are not sucked in by the seductive pull of the lower elemental energies. If we allow them to make a home in our field they stay with us and manipulate us in very sneaky ways.
We can cultivate the needed energies that open the heart by focusing equally on those thing that have great meaning in our lives. Our loved ones and our sacred relationships hold powerful codes to our inner self. Each moment is an opportunity to feel the presence of love. This experience is divine gold. It purifies the heart and makes it available to be fertilized by the Sun and the incoming waves of the Mother's divine sunlight fluid.
Focusing our heart energies on our creative projects and talents with a purpose and an intention to heal and share love in the world is another incredibly powerful way to access the potential of the divine human and open the aspect of consciousness that is the Virgins of Light. She holds both the receptive and emissive energies of the Divine Feminine. She is our Truth. She is us and we are Her; the Bride of the Absolute.
Now is the time to know who you are, know what your talents are, know why you are here and get busy! A focused soul is hard to pull off track and is a magnet to the Divine Flow of Life.
In the Stillness and Creative Flow of the Virgins of Light!
With Huge Love,
Shannon Port
This article is from Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, August 2017
Copyright © 2017 Shannon Port,