Building the Inner Temple of Light


By Shannon Port

The Libra Equinox is a portal into the balance, harmony and equilibrium of the soul. At this time we are shown the entry into the Inner Temple of our Being as we go into the silence of the soul. This temple is built on our foundation of beauty and balanced relationship between the masculine and feminine in our consciousness. The inner marriage of the soul and spirit creates Justice. Justice is the true balance of the Light and Dark within us. When things are out of balance, the inner psyche uses the powers of Libra to call things back into Divine Order until we are able to merge into the Infinite and become the embodiment of our Higher Self. The inner temple is the masterpiece of our soul, the great alchemy and Art of the human experience. 

When the mystery of the inner temple begins to unfold within us, we stop becoming seekers and we start to call forth the Wisdom of our own soul from within. We realize that we are the ones we have been waiting for. The Temple of Light is within us. Through our own inner temple we are able to connect with the entire Cosmos. 

This temple requires our purity of thought and love. Although we may sample many things of this world on our journey to the temple, we leave it all behind as we merge into the pure crystalline silence of our Deep Inner Self. Our consciousness has to be pure to touch the depths of Her. The more superficial layers can tolerate mind altering substances, but the Mother Deep demands our pure presence and stillness for Her to dilate and let us enter. She is the Great Initiator of the soul and hands over the power of the Universe to the one who is ready to walk with such awesome power and responsibility.

The heart that has purged all hatred and judgement of one's self and others, is prepared to meet the Inner Dark Light of the soul. Here we understand why we forgive, why we listen, and why we love all beings unconditionally. Here we know that giving and receiving are the same act. To be clear, to be awake and pristine, is the greatest power we can have. 

Our Consciousness is of such a divine order. We realize how polluted the consciousness of the world has become, adorned in fake jewels and carnal desires that bring decay to the heart. We have compassion for our misguided treatment of the Divine within ourself and all beings. We now see clearly but without judgment, for we know that to judge means death. 

Once we have tasted the Light of our Inner Temple - no other substance can compare to or come close to it's expansion and fullness. We know the Pleroma of our soul, the Divine Mother of all life within us. All attempts to travel the realms of matter through a synthetic manipulation of light are seen for what they are; a picture show of the shadow lands, empty and temporary. Once the Truth is tasted we wish to mirror It in all that we do, both in love and in creativity. We may still taste anything of this world that we desire, but why would we lay down pure power and love to taste the counterfeit? 

We know that this cannot be told, only reflected in our creations; our living Word; transmitted through the fluid of our Love, Forgiveness and Compassion and the true Vision of our Heart. We return to shine this truth through our eyes, until the collective awakening takes hold of the heart of humanity. 

We now recognize those who have been to the Deep by the light in their eyes and the silence in their aura as well as the true power of their words and their art. They emanate divine love and depth and open the hearts of those who come into their field. We intuitively join with them in the network of stars on this planet, lighting up the Universal Soul Matrix. We are not alone, ever; all is Goddess!

With Infinite Love from the Inner Temple of Light!

Shannon Port