Understanding the Frequency of Compassion
/Art by Kris Waldherr
Understanding the Frequency of Compassion
By Shannon Port
Compassion is the key code for the New Era on earth. The energies that are being absorbed into our planetary auric field can only be properly integrated by those who have awakened the seeds of compassion within their personal electric-magnetic field on all three levels of their being: mind, heart and will. All three microcosmic worlds of the human being must open to the frequency of the divine compassion if the supernal light of the Galactic Center of our Mother's Womb is to be digested into the systems of the human body and soul.
There has been a great misunderstanding about the frequency of Compassion in our world. We have been led to believe that to be compassionate is to be week and to be in denial of justice; quite the opposite is true. The Divine Mother is the pure embodiment of Compassion. She is also the Cosmic Overseer of Justice, Strength, Harmony, Wisdom, Power & Divine Love. It is impossible to have true Justice without compassion; without compassion we are unable to see the Truth. Compassion lifts one beyond the Ego consciousness and into the vantage point of the Spirit. From the Spiritual plane, we are able to see with the spiritual sight and hear with our spiritual faculty to understand the Higher Laws of Creation. In the spiritual plane of the heart, we see with the light of the Sun and the regenerated senses of the Soul.
We are receiving waves of supernal light at this time from the Divine Mother. Her waves of sunlight fluid are a fiery water beam that carry the divine intelligence of creation. The frequency of this source is compassion for Life. If we wish to align with the energies coming in, we must search within our heart at this time to find the understanding of our relationship to the whole of creation.
The word compassion is made up of the vibration of community + passion and love for our family and unity. Compassion seeks the common thread that links us all together as One Being in the the Heart.
Transcending Ego Consciousness
We are going to need to totally transcend the lower appetites and the ego's way of seeing if we are to receive the wisdom of Compassion in this next phase of our awakening. It has been said that the meek and the humble will inherit the earth. What is meant by this is that those who activate the key code of compassion within their heart will know the Power of the Cosmos in their very consciousness. Compassion is the greatest power that births the Divine Love, and out of the Divine Love is generated the pure Power of Creation. The greatest power in the Universe is the most humble and the most gentle. As human beings of the past cycle it is very hard for us to understand this concept. We have to search for it in earnest in the silence of our heart.
Nature is a gateway to this knowledge. When we meditate on the raw power of nature, we are able to walk through the veil and see what is the power behind it. There we find a beauty and light so great that we are blinded by its Presence.
Real power is released through Compassion and knows only Justice and Strength, Wisdom and Love. It makes no mistakes because it is aligned with Harmony and the Music of Life.
We have much to learn as we are being asked to follow a way that leaves the ego behind. The intention to reach a state worthy of holding the fiery water of the Mother's Heart on earth, must be strong if we are to raise our body consciousness to a level that will harmonize with the pure supernal light that is flowing into this system.
The Chalice of Divine Love & Wisdom
When we awaken the magical chalice within our heart that is prepared to receive the divine compassion, everything changes for us. All that we see and do has new meaning. The worries and challenges of the past become portals into a new power to create harmony on earth. We realize that we have been living in an illusion the whole time. This is the gnosis of the Christic-Sophianic Consciousness of the Divine Sophia, our Divine Mother. It is Her gift to us as awakened sons and daughters of the Supernal Light. Our life in the polarity of the light and the dark is uplifted to our true destiny as a divine Human Being.
With Love & Divine Compassion for our World,
Shannon Port
Shannon Port © 2015 All Rights Reserved, This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter, July 2015