Spiritual Protection in the Aura
/The Chariot By Emily Balivet
Spiritual Protection in the Aura
By Shannon Port
Understanding how to remain deeply connected to the voice of inner Reason, is perhaps one of the greatest tools and defenses we have in a world that is filled with sensational messages, that are being beamed at us at an alarming rate. We are given hardly any space at all to process or let down in the way our body and mind requires for superior health and vitality of spirit. Our nervous systems are bombarded with appeals to the ego appetites as well as highly emotional messages seeking to link us with fear and the feeling of being dependent on the outer world and its chaos and materialism for our own personal identity.
Today, with all of our technology, we seldom have an hour that is free from the ongoing images and triggers, of not only our own inner circle of family and friends, but of the collective consciousness of humanity. We take in constant information that bypasses our own conscious mind and enters deeply into our subconscious mind, where it begins to project and create our reality and affect our thinking and feeling nature. The information we take in, as well as the frequencies that are coming through the technology, have a great impact on our ability to be in our own sovereign discernment with regards to how we act and react to the experiences of our lives.
The auric field is made up of the electric and magnetic impulses in our being that are created by our thoughts and feelings, which in turn regulate our various bodily functions. Our thoughts are electric and our feelings are magnetic. What we think, we send out into the world, and what we feel, we draw to ourself. Our thoughts and feelings are in a relationship with one another and they do indeed affect each other in a reciprocal feedback loop.
The problem is that most of the time we are not even aware of our own thoughts and feelings. They come and go so fast and are reacting to so many stimuli that our aura is undergoing an attack of energetic forces that has much more control over our lives and our own sense of inner peace than we realize. These are the very forces that move the elements to create the physical world around us.
Our thoughts and feelings represent our mental and emotional bodies and our own inner masculine and feminine. They are meant to be aware of each other and work in harmony together to create and manifest our highest destiny and the awakening of the soul in matter. When they are out of touch with each other, battling each other, our auric field is weakened and it becomes more available to be penetrated by another's will or agenda without our conscious awareness of this being the case.
Aside from taking in many emotional triggers and subliminal messages through the use of social media and technology; on the positive side, we also connect with many things and people that are important to us, as well as valuable knowledge and information that helps us to better understand the world and the cycle of growth and evolution that the human race is currently going through. One of the most powerful things we can do is to learn how to boost our aura with divine light and spiritual protection, that allows us to call in the things that serve our path, and deflect and discard the energies that are negative and harmful to our inner state of well being.
The Divine Spark
Within the heart of every human being is the seed of the soul and the Divine Spark of infinity that animates us and gives us life. This inner sacred fire is the flame our our own Presence and spirit. It is from this flame that we must consciously create the harmonious auric field around our body, that will empower us to send out our divine blueprint into the world of form and magnetize to us all that our soul desires to complete its mission. If we are to connect with this inner power, we must acknowledge it and form a conscious relationship with it. This light is none other that our own I AM, as has been taught in many of the sacred lineages of wisdom throughout the ages.
The Presence within us is the totality of our creative power in the world. All that is positive and uplifting in love comes through our Presence. Our Presence is like our own inner Sun and it connects our soul to the physical Sun as well as the Great Central Sun of the Galactic Center. This light within us is the inner Christic flame that is in touch with the Cosmic Christ power of Divine Love and the great Mother Spirit of creation. It is invincible and incorruptible; It is limitless in its ability to create and command the elements. This Presence is our true Self and it is waiting to awaken in the light of our acknowledgement. The awareness of our Divine Spark will begin to animate our auric field with the creative power of heaven on earth.
The heart is very sacred in that it is the temple of this sacred flame that is the mediator between heaven and earth and spirit and matter. It is the holy tabernacle of the inner Divine Feminine principle. We must harness the power and focus of our thoughts and feelings to bring the power of Love forward into our aura. As we do so, we link the Christ above with the Christ within and so the inner marriage of the soul and spirit link us to the chain of the ascended consciousness of the higher Self. It is only when we link with this power that we are truly born as divine human beings.
Vehicle of Higher Consciousness
As we call forth the Presence within us, we become a vehicle for the higher self, or the higher consciousness to work through us. The heart represents the spiritual plane and therefore it grants us spiritual protection so that we may access the wisdom and discernment of this higher consciousness . This Wisdom is a combination of Reason and Love. When we have awakened both the reason of the higher mental body and the love of the heart, we are complete and we are protected from the lower frequencies of this world. We establish both Harmony and Justice in our aura. It is true that there are many energies of the sinister force that cause great interference in our awakening process; but that is only when we focus all of our attention outward. The inner path has never been lost, however, our ability to look inward has been hugely scrambled by the outer noise and dark technologies. Knowing how to access Silence is the only way to travel inward to the gate and altar of the Presence. It is possible to do this Now.
Many people talk about these things, but talking alone can never take us there. We have to practice Silence and Stillness to merge with our Presence and call forth the Inner Wisdom of the Soul and Spirit. Anything that speeds us up synthetically or lowers our level of consciousness can hinder the heart and its ability to open the inner portals of light. We have to make time to connect with our Presence and get familiar with the path of merging with It, so that we may command our lives from our true power. It is also very powerful to understand how different behaviors, substances and experiences empower or limit us in our ability to enter the heart space. There are certain substances that appear to open our heart, but after careful reflection, we can see, that in reality they shut the heart down after the initial high, leaving us vulnerable to lower, negative astral energies.
With the Presence of I AM active in our field, we emanate and radiate a signal that disarms evil in the world. We become divine music - the awakened Heart and Word on Earth. This is a power so superior to the lower dark forces. They fear the power of Love and that is why they work overtime trying to shut down the human heart. Many avatars of truth have brought this wisdom to humanity and they wait patiently for their brothers and sisters to wake up and know the inner reality where the Presence is activated.
The pure sweetness of Love is far greater than the highs and lows we get from the insatiable sensual desires of the lower bodies. We don't need to abandon these desires all together, but we must learn how to access them with Wisdom so that they do not destroy our connection with each other and the Earth. When we go on autopilot with our desires and when our protective aura is compromised, we override the divine code within the heart in our outer experience. This ties us to the earth density and breaks our connection to the higher world of divine light and music.
It is the sovereign right of every soul to command their own auric field and embody the higher consciousness of the divine human being. It is also a law that we must use our own free will to command our space and awaken our Presence as the guiding force in our life. One practical way to use the power of the Word to call forth the Inner Light of I AM into the outer auric field is to radiate this divine spark in the seven directions of the aura. The directions are North, South, West, East, Above, Below and Within. One of the mantras of great assistance is the projection of the I AM Presence into these seven directions.
I AM before me.
I AM behind me.
I AM at my left.
I AM at my right.
I AM above me.
I AM below me.
I AM unto me.
The number seven has a special frequency that allows us to access the Above and the Below. It is a divine number that connects us to the Laws of Nature and the power to receive from the Divine Will.
Using this mantra regularly is a conscious reminder of the truth of I AM. Our aura responds to our words, thoughts and feelings. When we take full sovereign responsibility for all three, we are able to transcend time and space and work with the Universal Laws of Creation.
The Five Senses and the Spirt of Light
When we activate the I AM Consciousness in our auric field, the five senses are regenerated and restored to their higher perception. Our ability to have the Vision of the Soul and the Hearing of the Spirit is spontaneously born and we are liberated from the illusions and bondage of this world. Our perception is in alignment to Wisdom, Love and Truth and we experience the world as a Garden of Divine Love, filled with the joy and peace and the creativity of the heart.
The awakened senses are represented by the pentagram with the point facing upwards. This represents Spirit governing over Matter - the risen Christic Consciousness of Man and Woman. In this sense we are able to enjoy the material world without losing our connection to Source and the Inner Reality.
Now is the time for us to remember how to live in our sovereign space, our Sacred Aura, and know the Inner Guidance of our own higher self that we may become vehicles of healing and love on this planet. Once we realize that this is possible now, and experience it for ourself, we can help others in a way that we could never help them before. We will become living expressions of the Power of Love on Earth!
Wishing you Great Joy, Peace & Beauty during the Solstice Season of Light!
Shannon Port
Copyright © 2016 Shannon Port. All rights reserved. This article is taken from the Art of the Feminine Akashic Insight Newsletter December 2016