TAURUS FULL MOON, Oct. 31st - GODDESS FORCE AWAKENING - Uranus Activates the Underworld

TAURUS FULL MOON, Oct. 31st, 2020 -


Uranus Activates the Underworld

With Shannon Port

The Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus is activating the elemental forces of the Underworld, deep below the surface of our mind. With the Sun in Scorpio opposing the Moon & Uranus in Taurus, we have no choice but to see the bones of our buried patterns and karma. This is the most potent aspect for transformation that we could ask for. It affects everything; both inner and outer. Our sensual Venusian nature and our inner Lunar foundation are forced to see the reflection of our desires and our carnal appetites until we can integrate the Shadow that we deny.

We'll find that by uncovering our hidden skeletons for transmutation, we reveal a New Vision of our creative power. We learn how to merge with the world on a higher platform of knowledge without sacrificing or compromising the unique gifts that we bring to the collective experience. Mercury Retrograde in Libra is in an exact square with Saturn in Capricorn, forcing a karmic contraction of our mind and the information available to us. The forces of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are conjunct and working together to limit communication from being processed by the collective. The disruptive energy of the Moon conjunct Uranus will determine how the tensions and compression are released through our body and soul on the Earth.

The way through this intense energy is to own your full self. Love your body and trust your intuition as you connect it to the wisdom of the Goddess within and channel it for healing in your own environment. When we heal the environment of our body and mind, we naturally harmonize the inner and outer world. We bring balance and equilibrium in the highest order of Venus. Venus is the ruler of the full moon and will be in the sign of Libra where she is the archetypal ruler of art, beauty and balance. By connecting with our own inner artist we can literally save the World by reprogramming our internal projection.

Blessings for a beautiful Full Moon in Taurus on Halloween and Samhain! ART BY JO JAYSON