LIBRA NEW MOON, October 16th, 2020 - POLITICS OF THE GODDESS - The Creative Power of the Right and Left


LIBRA NEW MOON, October 16th, 2020 -


Join us for the playback of The Goddess Report to discuss THE POLITICS OF THE GODDESS at the Libra New Moon on October 16th! We’ll be looking at the current state of the political system as well as the state of the collective human consciousness. In this video we’ll discuss the profound archetypal wisdom of Libra and the place she holds in our deep inner alchemical transformation. We’ll look at the right and left ideologies as they appear on the Tree of Life and look into the wisdom of their correspondences.

The message here is that we need each other. We create a mirror with each other through projection and creative power. Now is the time to access this wisdom to empower ourselves and to heal the world. Humanity is at a crossroads to awaken to the sacredness of the Goddess within. We can choose Her or we can choose to turn away from the organic life of the Divine Feminine and turn our back on our true inheritance of peace, prosperity and brother/sisterhood on Earth. At the end of the video we’ll look at 3 ways to activate the power of Libra and go into the secret of reflectivity and the Magic Mirror.