The Age of the Solar Feminine ~ Weekly Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
/Artist ~ "The Solar Aspect of Isis ~ The Brilliant One and Mother of All" By Emily Balivet
Recording of Podcast:
The Weekly Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
The Age of the Solar Feminine ~
Wisdom of Tarot Series: Key 19, The Sun
We have entered a New Era where the prophecies of many ancient and modern wisdom traditions point to the birth of a spiritual humanity. It is the solar aspect of the spirit that will quicken the human personality and form, both mind and heart, to rise above the dense forgetfulness and manipulation of the past cycle. This process is known as the rebirth and regeneration of the soul and will touch the entire human race as we are all part of One World Soul.
This is the highest form of Alchemy and is the True and Sacred Art of the Divine Feminine Wisdom.
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Shannon Port © 2014
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