Seeing Beyond the Illusion of Form

Art by Lauri Blank

Recording of Podcast:

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The New Human Sexual Paradigm ~ Seeing Beyond the Illusion of Form

with Shannon Port

Through our fall in consciousness, we (the human race) adopted the belief that form is the source of our happiness and survival. We learned how to consume the outer to feel safe and whole. We got so lost in this belief that it soon took us over completely and the understanding of the inner world began to fade into a long lost memory. Our sexuality began to reflect this belief as well and we learned how to objectify each other to serve our own selfish desires. We began to project an image onto Eve, (the subconscious) that told us through her reflection that we were cut off from Spirit.

Form is here to reflect our wholeness and our state of union with our Higher Self. As we remember the truth of the connection to our Heart, the outer begins to morph into the reflection of our healed perception of Reality.

Tomorrow I'll be talking about the strong pull and the seduction of Form; the ways that we can shift our inner perception to restore the balance of the worlds of Spirit and Matter through the regenerated Eve; and how we can heal our sexual relationship to the world of Form.

For previous recordings of the Art of the Feminine Podcast:

© Shannon Port 2015

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