August 3rd, 2016, LIVE podcast: VENUS & THE POWER OF EMOTIONS
/The Birth of Venus, detail, by Sandro Botticelli
Venus & the Power of Emotions
By Shannon Port
Please join me for the LIVE Art of the Feminine Podcast, in the energies of the Leo New Moon, tomorrow, Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016, 12pm EST. ALCHEMY OF THE GODDESS:
Call: 857.232.0476
Code: 297340
In tomorrow's podcast we'll be discussing some very power ways that our emotional body directs our life-force and creates all of our experiences. The power of the emotions is ruled by the Goddess Venus (Key 3, The Empress), and her archetype can teach us how we can open the portal of the heart for deep emotional healing and self love so that we can pour our deepest creative gifts into our relationships and into the world.
Some of the topics for the call:
- Emotional Boundaries & Personal Power
- Ascending the Emotional Scale
- Healing Grief, Betrayal & Loss
- Honoring the Wounds of the Masculine & Feminine
- Accessing and Transmuting the Unconscious Realms
- Clearing Emotional Blocks
- Emotional Creative Force
- Relationship Patterning in the Auric Field
Please join us LIVE and bring your questions!
Copyright © 2016 Shannon Port. All rights reserved.
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