Healing in Love Relationships ~ Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
/Artist ~ Alice Mason
Recording of podcast:
The New Human Sexual Paradigm ~ Healing in Love Relationships
with Shannon Port
Our Love Relationships are a mirror of our deepest self. They show up because we attract them to heal not only ourself but the collective relationship and balance between the masculine and feminine polarities on Earth. This process transcends the sexes and has everything to do with the relationship between the Mind and the Heart. Within all Love Relationships the Mind and the Heart are dancing together and seeking to find a harmonious state of being so that the pure Spirit of Truth can be birthed in the relationship and elevate it to the level of Divine Love.
This dance happens on many levels; the way we choose to engage in this healing process has an effect on every area of our Life. Nothing calls forth our wounds quicker than our Love Relationship. Our Love Relationships bring us face to face with all that we need to look at and heal in our life. In many ways they are the projection of both our Shadow and our Light.
There is tremendous opportunity for growth and healing in any Love Relationship when there is true love and a willingness to sacrifice for one another and grow spiritually. This does not mean that we are meant to be victims or martyrs in love; it means that we are truly willing to see what we need to shift within ourself and willing to do the inner work that it takes to reach the state of Healing in Relationship.
© Shannon Port 2015
For previous recordings of the Art of the Feminine Podcast:https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/art-feminine-weekly-calls/id627164561?mt=2
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