The Regeneration of Human Sexuality ~ Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
/Artist ~ "Alchemical Wedding" by Emily Balivet
Recording of the Podcast:
The New Human Sexual Paradigm ~ Healing the Collective World Soul and Regenerating Human Sexuality with Shannon Port
We are in the vibration of the New Year, 2015, and this year will address in a very big way the Sexuality of the Human Race. The information available to us for healing is incredible at this time. Our sexuality is our power to connect with all levels of our Being. It is the generative force of Life on Earth. It is the Goddess in Action. The Spirit works powerfully through our conscious Understanding of this great Gift.
The most powerful force we have within our Mind, Heart and Will has been very misunderstood. It has been processed and used in ways which have inverted the consciousness of the Human Race and caused us to harm one another and seek power for our individual good. This paradigm has created a deep fear of the Goddess and caused us to perpetuate a version of love that knows how to take instead of give.
In this next 7 years we will be learning how to inhabit our physical bodies in a new way. This will include a new way of relating sexually to our environment and other human beings. The Law of Sacred Union will be revealed in all its Glory to those who choose to open their Hearts to Universal Love.
This is an exciting time to be human and Love is only going to expand as we awaken the true power of the Goddess on Earth.
© Shannon Port 2015
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