The Power of Woman's Heart
/By Shannon Port
Woman's Power is hidden within her Heart. It is in the Heart that she can make the greatest difference in the World. Man represents the Mind and the outside world and Woman represents the Heart and the Inner Plane. The outside world is governed by the laws of Time and Space. The Inner Plane is free from all limitations of Time and Space and is under only one law - the Law of Love - also known as the Law of Unity.
The events taking place in our world at this time are being brought to awareness on the world stage to help Woman wake up and remember what it is she gave up as she entered into an Ego based consciousness ruled by the mind. She entered into bondage when she lost her power to create from the Heart. In the Heart all women are one. In truth there is only One Woman.
As we hear more and more about the horrific treatment of women around the world it is more important than ever for women to remember how to enter into the space of their Heart. In the Heart we can make a difference. In the Heart we connect with the Feminine Force and awaken the Feminine Light on the Planet. This is destined to happen as more and more women are finding the quiet space within which gives them the power to create positive change. In order to find this space we have to tune out all the fear that is being broadcast in the outer world.
Woman's power is born in Silence. That is why we have been discouraged from looking inward. We are held in bondage as long as we keep our focus on the outside. The moment we look inward with a true desire to serve and a purity of heart - we remember. As we remember our words and actions become a potent Force of Light. There is an inner dimension that unites us. We are connected to all points in space and time within. There we can create a New World where the Feminine is honored and respected and seen for who she really is. She is the Divine Mother at work in the world of Matter. She is the Door that all must pass through on their journey Home.
Shannon Port © 2013, The Power of Woman's Heart l Artist: Michael Whelan
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