Lifting the Veil of Venus ~ Weekly Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
/Artist ~ "The Star" by Pamela Wells
Recording of podcast:
Weekly Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
Lifting the Veil of Venus ~
Wisdom of Tarot Series: Key 17, The Star
The veil that stands between human beings and the Great Mysteries of Life is human ignorance. In this era there are many souls waking up to discover that the way to penetrate that which stands between the individual personality and the Self is active meditation on the depths of our Being. It is here in the unconditioned realm that our true gifts are waiting to be brought into crystallization through Intuition and Understanding of their purpose and value.
In this call I discuss the journey into the depths of consciousness and how we can "hook" the gems that are buried within our Heart to lift the Veil of Isis and know the secrets of Nature.
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Shannon Port © 2014
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