Healing the Sexual Paradigm of Humanity ~ Weekly Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
/Artist ~ "Otto Geist" by Iona Miller
Recording of podcast:
Weekly Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port
The Fall of Human Sexuality ~ Healing the Sexual Paradigm of Humanity
Wisdom of Tarot Series: Key 15, The Devil
This call addresses the deep illusion of the fallen desire nature (also known as the False Light) and how this illusion keeps the human race in bondage through the the misuse of our sexual energy, addiction, materialism and ignorance of our true wisdom, power and love.
I discuss the ways in which we can heal the collective sexual paradigm by remembering the sacred in our sexuality. I also talk about the original sacred union with Source and how we can reclaim this natural state by looking inward to the true source of our power ~ the heart. The heart heals our addictions and liberates the Spirit of Love that lives within all of us.
It's not all serious. The best way to see through The Devil is with laughter and an open heart. When we laugh and open our heart we see beyond the illusion and it begins to fall away and lose its power over us.
To access previous episodes of the Weekly Art of the Feminine Podcast please visit iTunes for FREE downloads and subscription: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/art-feminine-weekly-calls/id627164561?mt=2
Shannon Port © 2014
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