Creating from the Secret Garden in the Heart, Recording of Weekly Call with Shannon Port
/Part One:
Part Two:
Weekly Art of the Feminine Call with Shannon Port
June 5, 2013: Creating from the Secret Garden in the Heart
The Heart is the true Source of Creation. When we are trapped in the illusion of the physical world we have no access to the magical Inner Sanctum of the Heart - where all Creation takes place. As we awaken and perceive the Reality beyond form we are invited into the garden to partake of the Universal Laws of Creation through the Creative Imagination and Will. At this time Humanity is being pushed to awaken to the Truth of this Great Work. As we purify our Ego-mind and allow the Divine Will to work through us we will return to our pristine state of Receptivity and experience the Unity of all Life.
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Shannon Port © 2013 l Artist ~ "Secret Garden" by Jake Baddeley