Power of Emotions
/Our emotions are the most powerful tool we have for creating. They can indeed create negative situations in our lives or they can bring love and peace to our lives and to the earth.
The Goddess Report was created in 2020 as a spin-off of the original Art of the Feminine Podcast with Shannon Port (2012). It holds The Venusian Mysteries and the Divine Feminine Wisdom Codes of Light Body Woman. This body of Teachings is a Divine Feminine Codex for Womankind.
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Our emotions are the most powerful tool we have for creating. They can indeed create negative situations in our lives or they can bring love and peace to our lives and to the earth.
"Venus transmits the Solar Christ Force through her living sound current - The Sophia Logos. The Emerald Tablets are the awakened Lost Word of Venus, as the command of the sacred elemental streams. This is the Holy Feminine Mystery of Venus. This divine awakening happens through the heart, throat and womb connection. The sound current must be connected to the Inner Christ Sophia chamber. That is only done through The Divine Feminine Inner Mysteries and The Alchemy of the Goddess. (The Secret Wisdom of Sophia). Woman's heart holds The Goddess Grail Code. She must resurrect and give birth to her Divine Word.”
- Shannon Port
“The Venusian Mysteries of Mary Magdalene - Solarization, Holy Blood, Feminine Crucifixion, Spiritual Death & Resurrection, Divine Feminine Alchemy, Christ Sophia Essenes, The Feminine Christ Impulse. Mary Magdalene is the Patron Saint of Light Body Yoga™. She is the Divine Feminine Archetype of Light Body Woman. The Holy Grail. Her Feminine Mysteries are the regeneration and resurrection of the Holy Heart of the human race. She is the forgotten one. She is the Bride of Christ and the Divine Mother of His Child. Magdalene is the resurrected Astral Body, purified in the Divine Love of her Great Feminine Sacrifice.”
- Shannon Port
“Mary regenerates the Fallen Mars Force in her aura and in her womb through the process of purification and transmutation, giving birth to her Golden Sun as the Sun of Man and The Body of Resurrection. Mary is the Solar Christ Sophia. She is the Queen of Heaven in The Feminine Mysteries, and she is the guiding Solar Feminine Star of the soul. She is Stella Maris, The Great Star of the Sea in the Underworld, guiding us as we travel the turbulent and rough waters (sexuality) and the temptations of human life. Mother Mary is the Adi Shakti Principle. She is the highest Cosmic Aether and The Living Word.”
- Shannon Port
Join Shannon Port on The Goddess Report for our special Solstice LIVE Transmission: The Restoration of the Feminine Temple
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For information on the year-long, deep immersion and professional study program in The Venusian Mysteries with Shannon Port - a Divine Feminine Wisdom Mentorship, please book a call with one of the Art of the Feminine team members to receive the full details, HERE.
The Esoteric Feminine Codes Playlist HERE.
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